Writer/Director/Producer Julia Sipowicz

Director of Photography Emerson Duggan

Editor Kailey Radcliffe

Line Producer Raine Roberts

Assistant Director Cara Griffin

Production Design Lauren Nicola

Assistant Camera Will Van Koughnett

Colour Jenny Montgomery

Production Assistant April Lin

Shot on location in Malvern, Pennsylvania


Callie Santoro

Elliot Mitchell

Dove Goose Merlin

Special Thanks

Radcliffe Family

Anne Hubbell and Kodak Motion Picture

Steve at Du-All Camera

Company 3

Steph Jankowski

Ghandi’s Refuge Animal Rescue

Marek Sipowicz

Darrell Wilson

Thomas Pistor Eisenman

Addison Worthington

Maya Vesneske

Ashley Mayers

Jenna You

April Lin

Jeremy Woods

Alec Gondobintoro

Nick Carlson

Muzammmlk Mehid

Kristen Williams

Aswin Sri

Edmund Zaremba

Tomasz Filipowski

Elle Rinaldi

Cara Griffin

Maddie Weikel

Thomas Lange

Angela Juarez

Michal Grzeczynski

Amir Moverman

Cita Atwell

Thomas Lange

Julia Kaluta

Jan Kaluta

Lori Traut-Savino

Spurthi Kontham

LA Harold

Michael Fiebig
